Monday, December 8, 2008

(Don't) Believe the Hype.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't particularly care if the old blog ever really picks up heavy traffic. It's more a side project and an outlet for my occassional need to express myself. If anything, I consider it writing practice and a good place to keep ideas in case I ever really do want to put them somewhere of import.

Still, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want some attention. And I don't mean direct attention. People proclaiming it the best place to be and the like is just rhetoric and wouldn't be true, anyway. Not so long as there's so many pR0n sites out there. Wait. Must not remind people about the pR0n...

It's not like I don't get people here. I have two followers, I have at least one other person that said that they might add me to their watch list, and I swear someone said that they check my blog sometimes and that someone else they know does, too. That means that up to 5 whole people may actually look at my blog in any given week. And almost half of that group might actually read something that I post here. Scary, huh?

Anywho... I've decided to give the old hype machine a good cranking (not a euphemism, get the pR0n out of your heads...). And as all good hype machines must, I should use pointless statistics and useless and easily disputable information in this effort. It is for that reason that I hereby declare this blog, House Rules!, the 857th greatest blog dedicated to comics, gaming, television, and/or other stuff in all of the interwebs.

Now I know what you're thinking. There have to be at least a few thousand other blogs about comics. Thousands upon thousands of gaming blogs. 18 billion TV blogs. 14 quadrillion blogs dedicated to games and gaming. But I ask you this: how many cover "other stuff"? And of those that cover other stuff, how many cover things in Thomas Houston's life? That's right... three (I assume that everyone has at least one stalker out there...). And of all of those many, many places, how many cover it not as an and, but as an or? Or an and/or?

(I know, confusing. But stick with me, because this is where I bring it home...)

So House Rules! is not only the 857th greatest blog dedicated to comics, gaming, television, and/or other stuff, it is also THE Source for all things Thomas Houston. No one else can tell you that... unless my mom started blogging when I wasn't looking. I can't put anything past her...

Search your heart. You know that it's true. I just made a vague reference to Star Wars. That's a movie. I didn't even talk about how I sometimes cover movies. Suck it, Roger Ebert! Did I just tell Roger Ebert to suck it? Holy crap, I must be controversial, too.

Look out world! Controversial blog writer Thomas "HouseT" Houston, presents House Rules!, the 857th greatest blog in the world dedicated to comics, gaming, television, and/or other stuff and THE Source for all things Thomas Houston. And the ride don't stop now. Look out number 856, because I's a'comin' for you!


No, I don't feel particularly bored. Why do you ask?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay, so the above comment is shite because I got a few of those myself in the past. Simply put, "Sharon" is just a spammer who posts other websites into comments. You'll see a lot of those pop up unless you add the word verification for a while. Afterward, you should be fine.

In other words, she doesn't count as a reader.

That being said, I'm glad to see you take the stance that this blog is all about "other stuff" and things that circle your universe. I had a counter on the old site but once I made the switch, I got rid of it. I'm just happy after so many years to have folks just stopping in to check it out. If I get lucky to have more folks than usual come by my neck of the web, then so be it. Hell, I even got quoted by Slate once. It don't mean I'm that popular. It just means I have something to say.

Now, you think on that and I gotta figure out what the hell to talk about today...

HouseT said...

Yeah, it did seem a bit suspicious that "joshua" signed his/her post Sharon and then quoted some random website. Still, thanks for the heads up before any warm fuzzies could possibly sink in.

I'll bring back word verification if it starts to become too much of a problem. As it is, I'll just moderate as needed.

When it's all said and done, no matter how many or few topics you cover, it's going to be how you cover them that makes it worth anyone's time. So you might as well focus on the personal aspect of it, since that's the only truly original take you can put on it.