Friday, December 19, 2008

To Boldly Go...

"If you love Star Trek so much, why don't you marry it?"

Only one woman can ever say that she stepped up to that challenge, and now she's no longer with us. As AP reported yesterday, Majel Barrett Roddenberry AKA "a handful of lovable Star Trek characters" passed away at age 76. She had leukemia, which I feel bad for not knowing (unless it's one of those things that wasn't widely known, in which case I guess I feel fine about it).

Most people will remember Lwaxana Troi from TNG, and true fans will remember Nurse Chapel from the original series, but I always remember her as the voice of the computer. And not the newer computer where her voice was clearly recognizable, but the older model where she was clearly working her best robot voice. Think fondly of her every time you watch the old show and hear that infamous blinking, clicky box chirp out, "Working..."

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