Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Enough is Enough!"

I've had it with these mother****ing actors and their mother****ing paychecks!

Or something like that.

Word is now out that Samuel L. Jackson, after appearing in a brief cameo as Nick Fury in the Iron Man film, may not make it into the sequel. The story here includes a quote from Jackson that I find interesting:

"There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world. It now appears that somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won't be in it."

Uh huh. That sounds like Mr. "Will appear in almost anything" is bucking for a bigger paycheck. Which might be a bad sign, given that money was allegedly one of the issues that led to Terrence Howard being recast. Allegedly.

So now we have to wait and see if this sequel, which should have been a virtual slam dunk as far as making money for all concerned parties, will exist in its expected form or at all. Honestly, with nonsense like this, Marvel's film making division is starting to remind me of its comics division.


Anonymous said...

The Hell with it. I'll play Nick Fury. My name is Sam and I work cheap.

Things a brotha gotta do to get a movie made sometimes...

HouseT said...

Of the fun things I'm managing today are the select group of people that think this could well pave the way for them to cast an "original Fury". And there's stilla t least two people that think they could get away with casting David Hasselhoff.

(Although for what it's worth, I've heard his TV movie of Fury wasn't really all that bad. I've yet to convince myself to test that by watching it, though.)