Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HouseTV: Depth Advisory

Depth, as in the third dimension. As in that thing that 3D glasses are supposed to provide. See what I did there? Yeah, I know it's stupid...

Anywho, for anyone possibly out of the loop, there are a small handful of ads and such during the Super Bowl that are being presented in 3D. Not only that, but NBC is also airing a special 3D episode of Chuck (a show anyone can love) the following Monday night.

If either concept appeals to you, then you can pick up a free pair of 3D glasses at the locations listed here. If, on the other hand, you feel like I do that fate and timing will conspire and that you will be the only person that won't find any of the millions of pairs of them floating around, you can opt to call the toll free number (1-800-646-2904) and get a free pair (or four, since they come on sheets of four). Of course, since they're mailing them out, you'd better get a move on if that's your choice. They're won't exactly do a ton of good if you get them next Tuesday (although apparently, you can watch the Chuck episode online in 3D... but what fun is that?).

Now if you don't mind, I have to spend the rest of the week figuring out who's playing the Piper to my David once I actually get my hand on some wacky shades. "Put on the ^$%* glasses!"

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