Saturday, August 22, 2009

F***ed Up: Fast Food Edition

I thought this was a joke at first, but apparently this is being tested in certain areas:

Why on earth would anyone think this was a good idea? I barely can convince myself that a single fillet is worth eating, but two as the bread? What did your arteries ever do to you?


faustina said...

Surely you jest. have you not heard of the McGang Bang?
Not quite my cup of tea, but hey, I can't speak for anyone's arteries save my own.

HouseT said...

That doesn't even sound remotely appetizing. And it would go against my hard and fast rule against ever requesting anything that involves a gangbang...

faustina said...

Truly.. you have a RULE with that stipulation? Or just a general guideline?

HouseT said...

Well, it's less a rule and more a combination of a belief that it would be a bad idea to request it and a general notion that the opportunity won't present itself to begin with. But more that first thing. :P