Friday, April 17, 2009

Screnzy: Day 17 Update

Okay, so I surged ahead to 50 pages, but then I stalled out a little. So I'm still sitting at just around 50 pages, which is a little off pace but I'm fine with it. Normal pace means you write a little over 3 pages a day, and I generally write more than that on a good day. So if need be, I can just push extra hard to finish things off.

The tricky part is working on two projects at once. Most of my page count is from Frak. Sorry, but I just find scripting a show easier than scripting a comic. That, and a comic script requires detail, something I can skimp on a little when doing a TV script (although I know I'll need to get back to it at some point). Someone at the Script Frenzy site suggested that people create a script for a commercial or trailer for their work, and I might do something like that if I get a chance. Now back to work with me.

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