Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Mystery of the Persistent Popup!

...or... why Thomas needs to pay more attention to his life.

So I just had a mini-adventure of epic proportions. I thought for sure that my computer had been reverse-hacked, or at the very least that I had a faulty peripheral. I may be partially right on that last one.

Anywho, I was trying to skip that pesky Facebook page that asks you to send quizzes that you've finished to your friends, when I started to notice something weird. Instead of navigating to a new page, the new page would pop up in a new window. "What the deuce?" I thought to myself. I've run across some strange mojo in my day, but this was a true mystery.

So I go back to the first window, and I try again. But something's not quite right. In fact all of my mouse functions are acting kind of wonky. Menus are coming up crazy or not at all, and simple clicks aren't doing what they should be.

At this point, I'm a little peeved. I'm thinking that of all the things I want to buy this week, a new mouse wasn't on the agenda. I'm halfway into the control panel to try and see if the mouse settings have somehow magically readjusted themselves when I notice that I can't even single select an icon. Somehow, every single icon leading up to that one has been selected, too. And it won't stop.

Now, the technically savvy among you may have no doubt figured out what the problem was at this point, but stupid me had to clue in on a multi-select in progress and actually bother to
look down to discover the culprit: a fan favorite of mine, the sticky SHIFT key. Yes, the key that occasionally jams for a few seconds jammed for much longer, leading to my temporary loss of sanity.

So I may well need a new peripheral, but in this case it would be a keyboard, not a mouse. But really, I'll probably just suck it up and deal with this one a little longer. And try to remember that nonsense in case it ever shows up again.

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