Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Don't Want to Be "That Doctor"...

I've thought about this one. I've really put some thought into it. And this is the thing that really bums me out: I think I'd be a dull Doctor.

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe that there's a way to play the lead character in the BBC's scifi series Doctor Who without in some way being a little crazy, quirky, and/or cool. But somehow, I feel like instead of being the goofy, madcap Doctor that everyone would expect of me, I'd end up being a little bit flatter.

I'm not sure how that particular Doctor would go off right now. Sure, I liked Eccleston during his run as the Doctor. I'm even in the silent minority that, to this day, still like what he did with the character. But in the shadow of David Tennant and now Matt Smith, it seems as if there just isn't a place for the more serious but still occasionally funny version of the character.

Not to mention that's not the version of the Doctor that I want to be. I want to be the craziest, zaniest Doctor that there ever was. Doesn't that sound like fun? But nope, I just don't think that would be a fit for me. I can't explain why, but it just feels like it would be wrong.

Of course, it's probably all a moot point. Because between the amount of time it would take me to be famous enough an actor to land the role combined with how long it would be before the show's runners would even bother holding an international search for a replacement, I doubt I'll ever manage to have the opportunity. That, or I'll be so old that playing a more subdued Time Lord would be the only thing that makes sense.

Don't ask me why I have thoughts like this first thing in the morning.

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