Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Companion's Guide to Doctor Who - Part One (Rose Tyler)

(In honor of David Tennant's last days as the tenth Doctor, we look back at the supporting cast that helped make him the man that he was. Needless to say, there are some minor spoilers for already aired episodes.)

A Rose by any other name... etc., etc. Some might recall that when it was announced that Billie Piper would be the first companion, it wasn't exactly met with open arms from longtime fans. In their defense, though, they were probably nervous to begin with. This was, after all, the revival of a classic scifi show, and the much vaunted role of the Doctor's companion was being played by a pop star? Blasphemy!

You see, Rose's adventure actually began with the ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. And while he was his own brand of kooky and quirky, this Doctor had a bit of an edge to him. See, he's the one who came from the aftermath of the Time War and the loss of his people to the Daleks. So naturally, he got a bit... "cranky" at times. He wasn't even really sure that he wanted a companion to begin with, so Rose was both a welcome find and a minor nuisance.

Rose witnesses the Doctor regenerating...

What does this mean for the tenth Doctor, though? Well, right off the bat, he starts with a companion that is actually familiar with him and what he does. On top of that, since Rose helped bring the No. 9 back from the brink, No. 10 is quite appreciative of her and all of her efforts.

Rose helped to set a trend that would continue with the newer companions. While the main purpose of a companion has normally been to provide the audience with an everyman perspective and to give the Doctor a sounding board to explain things to the audience, the newer generation is a much more direct partner to the Doctor. Not necessarily an equal, but certainly a worthy and formidable ally in his adventures in time.

But moreso than all of those other things, Rose was the Doctor's friend in a time that he truly needed one, She helped him get his bearings and really get "groove" back (but not like that, you pervs). Whether you agree with Rose's portrayal being good or useful, the fact remains that she was the first, she was the longest, and she certainly made an impact.

They still like each other... aww...

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