Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Special Message to You Know Who....

Dear jackasses,

No one cares about your spam. No one is fooled by your half-cocked, pointless, and poorly written spam notes with links to more spammy goodness.

But congratulations. Thanks to you, anonymous posting on my blog is now over. Because I've been gone long enough for somebody to think they can just take up permanent spam residence here. They are mistaken.

Daddy is home. And it is time to clean house.


faustina said...

Yeah! Glad to hear it!
I was just over at Sam's blog and someone has, as you put it, taken up "spam residence" on his final post. What twits.

HouseT said...

All I can think is that somehow, somewhere, it must work on some minority group on the net. Because otherwise, they would have stopped doing it by now. All I'm left to wonder is... who are these people that are being fooled?